From Lies to Fallacies, False Believes, Religion, The World.
Yes, the world we're living in is a lie, a big, fat, obnoxious, darker than obsidian, incredibly essential, white lie. I don't know whether such a sentence with so much contradiction to itself is actually literately possible, but (if I say) I don't care (I'm lying.).
The world is flat, the authorities believed, and they stuck to it. Many scholars, astronomists lived a rejected life because their ideas were shunned aside, even though evidence was present, very much literally in their faces. Finally, when more people gain this alternate vision of a spherical world (Still The Earth.) and more research is done, authorities have to give in to the facts. The world is spherical. The same happened with "What is the world" aka Universe. Earth was not the center of this star system, not everything is revolving around earth. The scriptures said otherwise. Once again, science prevailed, because it is the truth, it is facts.
Religions, scriptures centuries, millenias of age. To me, they are more or less an elaborate lie. It is something for you to believe in, but they are a lie nonetheless. I myself is Christian (This is another chapter of my life. will explain if got time.) Yet I do not believe those miracles performed, those stories, those "Historical" stories. The Bible itself, I believe, have gone through many different stages, from it's purest, untouched form containing pure truths and no lies, to brainwashers to boost confidence and shapes your mindset to believe in "God's Word". Perhaps, they were lies in the first place, scriptures written by humans, no doubt must be in a way affected by the writer's mindset. What makes this even more compelling is the fact that each word in the Bible, was picked carefully and meticulously, to ensure that the religion lives. A religion, polished through hardships, presents a golden trophy for the faith of humanity in god. Yet no one realized that, at the bottom of the trophy, it writes "The most elaborate half-truth ever spun.".
False believes are, Succubi, demons, UFOs, ESP, the Supernatural, Poltergeists, and the like. These are, in truth, false, not because that they are pointless, but because they are impossible to detect, to find out, to proof, to become a fact. They are unproofable, they are "Fool-proof", not as much as the Holy Words, but to an extent where people will hold on to it till they die, and they spread like wildfire to all corners of the globe, without a pattern, with mutations. Like viruses. A neverending stream of perpetual negative energies, always self sufficient.
Pop-rocks killed Mikey. An urban legend, yet no one really understands why this might've have happened, they just believe, without any sliver of proof. Correct, baseless assumptions and ignorance makes fallacies, no intelligence needed. A misunderstanding of cause and result, a misunderstanding that evolved to uncontrollable mass. A wrongful interpretation mixed with personal bias. A true heart that seeked a lie.
Lies are essential in our lives, because without lies we would not be able to have the faith to live on, yet we let lies to lead our heart. Our heart itself lies, contradict and counters itself, but what can we do? Nothing, absulutely naught can be done, that is the fallibility of the human conscious.
This was made in August, but was not posted, because even to me it seemed offensive. Nonetheless, the internet itself is offensive enough. Public won't mind another offensive post when it's not even read. A falling tree in an empty forest makes no sound.
PS: And yes, I lied. This is obviously not a part of my life's "tranquilities". But meh.