Prelude to Disaster. (Teaser Post)

It was about a week ago, when suddenly I got a nudge on MSN. It was Lee, a friend of mine, who was messaging me.

Lee: Weh. Lets go AFA.
Me: Sot ar. (Are you crazy?)
Lee: Seriously.
Me: You pay for busfare I go.
Lee: Can.

And the deal was sealed. Some what. I whined a lot during the week about how I don't have enough money (I really didn't.) But in the end we managed to make it anyways. This is a trip that took the The Figure Mall members about 2 months to organize and plan out, we just decided we're going within about oh... 15 seconds?

(I shit you not, I looked like this in front of the PC all the way to Yong Peng, in fact, I believe this face remained intact for the remainder of the first day, reasons will be known later. XD)

Let's skip all the juicy details about me whining about money and hotel rooms, or my hissy fits at Lee's ulterior motive to go.

So on friday night, holding the backpack that I packed the night before. I went to my English Language Centre to give the little kids a revision before their exams, and headed directly to Puduraya to catch our bus which departs at 11pm. The busride was pretty calm and peaceful except that Lee was pretty much excited out of his brains and refuses to sleep. Perhaps it was because of the Milo he drank earlier or whatnot. In the end his pacifier was my PSP, cause he forgot to bring his. The driver was pretty cool and responsible, barely over the speed limit and the ride was smooth. At around 4am or so, we reached singapore.

(Roaming the streets of Singapore in the wee hours of morning.)

Singapore at night is a sight to behold, silent, quiet, calm. Well, with the exception of the sheer amount of cabs going around the place. I managed to see some prostitutes hanging around in groups in some corners (Since we were kind of at the fringe of Geylang, I guess), we walked around a bit, Lee got some Unagi/Nori Jack and Jill Potato chips from a 7-11. We made our way to the McDonalds at Bugis Jt. Prolly should've listened to Lee about taking a cab to drop off our stuff at Mt Emily's Hang Out Place (Where other TFM members were residing for the night.) But I urged him to trudge on, it took us half an hour or so of walking to get to Bugis Junction cause we were moving real slowly. And another half an hour or so to reach Mt Emily after lagging in the Mcdonalds a bit. We dropped off our stuff with Taugeh, the owner of TFM and rested for a bit. At around 7:30am, we departed towards Suntec Exhibition halls to queue up for tickets into AFA09.

When we reached Suntec, we had no idea where to queue up, people were lined up all along the floor, considering the fact that it's at least a quarter mile long for our side of the balcony (The other half is an Xmas electronics fair) and the whole damn place was already flooded with people. The tickets booth doesn't even open until an hour later, the actual entry time was another hour after that. Luckily, the TFM members were already there, so we got a good spot. At around 9:30am, we got our tickets.

(Warning, artist depiction for level of happiness. Do not take at face value)

And thus. I'm officially an AFA attendee.

And then there's this guy.

More in my next post: AFA DAY 1!

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