A Love Story[Experimental]
"Sometimes, it takes strength to dream"
A dreamer will always wake up and realize what was lost as a tribute to reality. I was such a dreamer. Four years ago, a very fateful day in March, at seven O'clock. I boarded a bus with my home as destination. A Form 1 student, after a long day, in a bus, heading home. As uneventful as it ever can be.
An empty seat. I walked towards it, only to have a senior from my school hold me off. "There's someone there.". I was confused, but I did not question him, all of this was still new to me, a change in enviroment sometimes does that to people. Funny how an empty seat can nag at you for 45 minutes. When a girl suddenly materialized in the seat, everything was demystified. She was sleeping in a weird, uncomfortable position; at least that's how it looked to me, that enabled her to vanish from immediate view. She had a very small frame, smaller than I was then. She had a simple, clean quality about her, a very neat ponytail with a generic white hair clip holding up her bangs. She had a small, rounded face, her eyes were clear and bright, she had very balanced features. She wore the prefect's uniform for a nearby school, a white shirt and a dark, navy blue skirt. Not much was exceptional nor special about her. There was just an air of simplicity about her that attracted me, might I say, very much.
"Who's that?" I asked timidly, I was only thirteen, a very small age. My interest was piqued by the smart and clean look of this girl. My senior was much more than helpful, he introduced me to his friend, this particular girl. The conversation was simple, basic, nothing specific, but through the conversation I had the feeling that the girl was every bit as shy as I was, only the incessant chatterings of my senior broke the ice. Being the inquirer I was, I really failed myself, I returned home that day with only slight information about her, not even her name was in my grasp.
For that particular year, a whole year. It was the same. Work from school did not allow me much time to think about myself. I wasn't exactly a young man looking to score a lady either, there was no reason to socialize, so I didn't. Now I regret every second I had with her that I had kept quiet, every second that I looked away from her face, every second out of her presence. Out of the few conversations I actually initiated with her, I only found out a partial of her name.